225 research outputs found

    Remote sensing of deforestation along the Trans-Amazonian Highway

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    Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental challenges today. Especially severe has the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest been where at least 20% has been cleared the last 40 years. A time series analysis of deforestation rates between 1984 and 2013 has been performed on several sites close to the Trans-Amazonian highway BR230 in the Amazon and Para states. This is done by applying a supervised classification method to Landsat scenes to classify rainforest and deforested areas. It is concluded that annual deforestation rates often has been higher at the study sites than the general trend of deforestation for the Amazon in the past. In recent years deforestation often show to be lower than the trend for Amazonas. Reasons for the high rates in the beginning of the series could be closeness to towns, which makes it easier for deforestation and increases the export potential. Rates being lower in recent years are strongly related to the global economy but could also be a consequence of political governance due to increased awareness of the effects of deforestation, creation of protective areas and monitoring of illegal deforestation together with law enforcement.Svensk populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Fjärranalys av skogsskövling längs med den trans-amzoniska motorvägen Skogsskövling är ett av de större miljöproblemen vi har idag. Speciellt snabb har skövlingen varit i Amazonas regnskog, där minst tjugo procent försvunnit de senaste 40 åren. Fjärranalys används för att uppskatta skogsskövling längs med den transamazoniska motorvägen (BR230). Analysen utförs genom en klassificering av satellitdata i en tidserie mellan 1984 och 2013 med hjälp av reflektansvärden. Resultatet visar att skövlingen ofta har varit högre än den generella trenden för Amazonas i början av tidsserien och att den ofta varit lägre på senare år. En anledning till de höga hastigheterna kan vara att studieområdena ligger nära städer eller byar och därför är dessa områden de som skövlats först. De låga hastigheterna kan kopplas ihop med den globala ekonomin och efterfrågan på marknaden. Andra anledningar är att brasilianska myndigheter försöker kontrollera skövlingen genom olika åtgärder som t.ex. genom övervakning och böter till de som olovligen skövlar och uppförandet av naturskyddsområden

    Quantification of a continuous-cover forest in Sweden using remote sensing techniques

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    Mapping and quantifying forest information about e.g. land cover, tree height and biomass has traditionally been a both time-consuming and labour-intensive part of forestry and forest research as field measurements typically are collected manually using handheld equipment. Remote sensing has proved to be a valuable complement to field based measurements as it enables for fast and relatively cheap collection of data from areas that would be hard to access from the ground. The aim of this thesis was to map and quantify the Romperöd forest outside Glimåkra in southern Sweden where selective thinning forestry has been practised since the 1960’s. The study was carried out using high resolution multispectral aerial images and small-footprint discrete-return LiDAR data included in the Swedish national elevation model in conjunction with field measurements. The results revealed a mixed forest where Norway spruce was the most dominating tree species, accounting for 40.2 % of the total coverage of the study area, followed by Scots pine (13.8 %), broadleaved trees (8.7 %), succession (6.7 %) and bare-ground (4.1 %). The elevation of the terrain varies between 76.2 and 107.3 meters above sea level, with a ridge extending from south to north. The canopy height of the forest varies greatly throughout the study area and ranged between 1.0 and 34.6 m with an average height of 15.1 m and a standard deviation of 8 m. Above-ground biomass (AGB) was estimated by fitting a multiple regression model to LiDAR-derived vegetation metrics (independent variables) and AGB estimates based on field measurements (dependent variable). The model managed to explain 70 % of the variability in the field measured AGB estimates and was applied to the entire study area yielding an average AGB of 122 900 kg/ha and a standard deviation of 50 497 kg/ha. The inclusion of remote sensing data improved the AGB estimates compared to those based solely on field measurements. The results were compared to the AGB data included in the SLU Forest Map which showed low correlation with AGB estimates based on field measurements (adjusted R2: 0.14), proving it unsuitable for the part of the Romperöd forest characterized by selective thinning.Att karlägga och kvantifiera skogsinformation angående exempelvis marktäcke, terräng, trädhöjder och volym är en traditionellt både tidskrävande och dyr del av skogsbruk och forskning eftersom mätningar vanligtvis samlas in i fält med handhållna instrument. Fjärranalys har visat sig vara ett värdefullt komplement till fältbaserade mätningar eftersom det möjliggör för snabb och relativt billig insamling av data från områden som skulle vara svåra att besöka i fält. Syftet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga och kvantifiera Romperödskogen utanför Glimåkra i nordöstra Skåne där blädningsskogsbruk har praktiserats sedan 1960-talet. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av fjärranalysdata i kombination med mätdata som samlats in i fält och blottlade en blandskog där gran utgör det dominerande trädslaget (40,2 % av studieområdet), följt av tall (13,8 %), lövträd (8,7 %), föryngringar (6,7 %) och bar mark (4,1 %). Terrängen varierar från 76,2 till 107,3 meter över havet med en ås som sträcker sig från söder till norr. Höjden på krontaket är heterogent i hela studieområdet och varierar mellan 1,0 och 34,6 m med en medelhöjd på 15,1 m och en standardavikelse på 8 m. Biomassa ovan jord uppskattades för hela studieområdet och visade ett genomsnitt på 122 900 kg/ha med en standardavikelse på 50 497 kg. Resultaten jämfördes med biomassa ovan jord enligt SLUs Skogskarta som visade låg överensstämmelse med skattningar baserade på fältmätningar vilket visar att SLU:s Skogskarta ej är applicerbar för den del av Romperödskogen som kännetecknas av blädning. Den föreslagna metodiken kan användas för att planera skogsbruk eller för att studera framtida förändringar eller störningar i skogen. Resultaten kan även vara till hjälp vid framtida forskning angående Romperödskogen och dess kolutbyte med atmosfären då biomassa ovan jord direkt kan konverteras till kolförråd, vilket är ett viktigt steg för att kunna studera effekten blädningsskogsbruk har på kolcykeln i skogen

    Model analysis of temperature impact on the Norway spruce provenance specific bud burst and associated risk of frost damage

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    The annual growth cycle of boreal trees is synchronized with seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperature. A warmer climate can lead to an earlier bud burst and increased risk of frost damage caused by temperature backlashes. In this study we analysed site- and provenance specific responses to interannual variation in temperature, using data from 18 Swedish and East-European provenances of Norway spruce (Picea abies), grown in three different sites in southern Sweden. The temperature sum requirements for bud burst, estimated from the provenance trials, were correlated with the provenance specific place of origin, in terms of latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. Frost damage had a significant effect on tree height development. Earlier timing of bud burst was linked to a higher risk of frost damage, with one of the sites being more prone to spring frost than the other two. The estimated provenance specific temperature sum requirements for bud burst were used to parametrize a temperature sum model of bud burst timing, which was then used together with the ensemble of gridded climate model data (RCP8.5) to assess the climate change impact on bud burst and associated risk of frost damage. In this respect, the simulated timing of bud burst and occurrence of frost events for the periods 2021-2050 and 2071-2100 were compared with 1989-2018. In response to a warmer climate, the total number of frost events in southern Sweden will decrease, while the number of frost events after bud burst will increase due to earlier bud burst timing. The provenance specific assessments of frost risk under climate change can be used for a selection of seed sources in Swedish forestry. In terms of selecting suitable provenances, knowledge on local climate conditions is of importance, as the gridded climate data may differ from local temperature conditions. A comparison with temperature logger data from ten different sites indicated that the gridded temperature data were a good proxy for the daily mean temperatures, but the gridded daily minimum temperatures tended to underestimate the local risk of frost events, in particular at the measurements 0.5 m above ground representing the height of newly established seedlings

    Reading and writing difficulties in adolescence and later risk of welfare dependence. A ten year follow-up, the HUNT Study, Norway

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    Background: Welfare dependence and low work participation among young people have raised concern in many European countries. Reading and writing difficulties (RWD) might make young people vulnerable to work integration problems and welfare dependence through negative influences on education and health. Our main objective of this study was to examine if RWD in adolescence affected the risk of welfare dependence in young adulthood. Methods: Baseline information on self-reported RWD, health and family was obtained for 8950 school-attending adolescents in Nord-Trøndelag County, Norway, participating in the Young-HUNT1 survey, 1995-97. All individuals were linked to biological parents to identify siblings and parental education from national registers. Welfare dependence was assessed by the reception of social benefits (medical and economic) from the national social insurance database (1998-2007). Only long-term benefits (> 180 days) were included. Results: The adolescents who reported RWD at baseline were more likely to receive medical or social benefits during follow-up compared with those who did not report RWD. In girls with RWD, the adjusted 5-year risk (at age 24 to 28) for receiving medical benefits was 0.20 (95% confidence interval 0.14-0.26), compared with 0.11 (0.09- 0.12) in girls without RWD. In boys the corresponding risks were 0.13 (0.09-0.17) and 0.08 (0.07-0.09). Conclusions: The associations between RWD in adolescence and welfare dependence later in life suggest that increased attention should be paid to these problems when discussing the public health aspects of work integration, since there might be a potential for prevention

    Chronic hepatitis C in Swedish subjects receiving opiate substitution therapy-Factors associated with advanced fibrosis.

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    Background: Opiate substitution therapy (OST) reduces the risk of death from directly drug-related causes in heroin users, allowing other chronic health problems to emerge. People who inject drugs (PWID) are exposed to hepatitis C virus (HCV), with an associated risk of chronic liver disease. We investigated HCV prevalence and liver-related morbidity in a cohort of OST recipients, and analyzed factors associated with significant hepatic fibrosis. Methods: All patients registered on 1 April 2008 in 4 clinics providing OST in the 3 largest cities in Sweden were eligible for inclusion. HCV viremic subjects were evaluated for fibrosis stage by liver biopsy, transient elastometry (TE), and/or a biochemical fibrosis index (Göteborg University Cirrhosis Index; GUCI). Factors associated with severity of fibrosis were determined by logistic regression analysis. Results: Out of 524 eligible patients, 277 consented to enrolment. Two hundred and thirty-six subjects (88%) were anti-HCV-positive, and 162 of these were viremic (69%). Significant liver fibrosis (defined as Ishak stages F3-F6, TE value ≥ 8.85 kPa, or GUCI > 0.33) was found in 69 out of 103 (67%) tested viremic patients, and was associated with alcohol intake (p = 0.03), higher body mass index (BMI; p = 0.04), and the presence of anti-HBc antibodies (indicating exposure to hepatitis B virus (HBV); p = 0.02). Conclusions: Significant liver fibrosis was detected in two-thirds of HCV viremic OST recipients in this cohort, and was associated with alcohol use, high BMI, and exposure to HBV. These findings indicate that the management of HCV and associated risk factors should be emphasized in Swedish OST programs

    Ankle Audiometry: A Clinical Test for the Enhanced Hearing Sensitivity for Body Sounds in Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to develop a clinical test for body sounds\u27 hypersensitivity in superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS). Method: Case-control study, 20 patients affected by SCDS and body sounds\u27 hypersensitivity and 20 control matched subjects tested with a new test called ankle audiometry (AA). The AA consisted of a psychoacoustic hearing test in which the stimulus was substituted by a controlled bone vibration at 125, 250, 500, and 750 Hz, delivered at the medial malleolus by a steel spring-attached bone transducer prototype B250. For each subject, it was defined an index side (the other being non-index), the one with major symptoms in cases or best threshold for each tested frequency in controls. In 3 patients, the AA was measured before and after SCDS surgery. Results: The AA thresholds for index side were significantly lower in SCDS patients (115.6 \ub1 10.5 dB force level [FL]) than in control subjects (126.4 \ub1 8.56 dB FL). In particular, the largest difference was observed at 250 Hz (-16.5 dB). AA thresholds in patients were significantly lower at index side in comparison with non-index side (124.2 \ub1 11.4 dB FL). The response obtained with 250 Hz stimuli outperformed the other frequencies, in terms of diagnostic accuracy for SCDS. At specific thresholds\u27 levels (120 dB FL), AA showed relevant sensitivity (90%) and specificity (80%) for SCDS. AA did not significantly correlate to other clinical markers of SCDS such as the bone and air conducted hearing thresholds and the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. The AA thresholds were significantly modified by surgical intervention, passing from 119.2 \ub1 9.7 to 130.4 \ub1 9.4 dB FL in 3 patients, following their relief in body sounds\u27 hypersensitivity. Conclusion: AA showed interesting diagnostic features in SCDS with significantly lower hearing thresholds in SCDS patients when compared to healthy matched subjects. Moreover, AA could identify the affected or more affected side in SCDS patients, with a significant threshold elevation after SCDS surgery, corresponding in body sounds\u27 hypersensitivity relief. Clinically, AA may represent a first objective measure of body sounds\u27 hypersensitivity in SCDS and, accordingly, be an accessible screening test for SCDS in not tertiary audiological centers

    Incidence, Etiology, and Outcomes of Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Population-Based Study

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked FilesBACKGROUND: The microbial etiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is often unclear in clinical practice, and previous studies have produced variable results. Population-based studies examining etiology and incidence are lacking. This study examined the incidence and etiology of CAP requiring hospitalization in a population-based cohort as well as risk factors and outcomes for specific etiologies. METHODS: Consecutive admissions due to CAP in Reykjavik, Iceland were studied. Etiologic testing was performed with cultures, urine-antigen detection, and polymerase chain reaction analysis of airway samples. Outcomes were length of stay, intensive care unit admission, assisted ventilation, and mortality. RESULTS: The inclusion rate was 95%. The incidence of CAP requiring hospitalization was 20.6 cases per 10000 adults/year. A potential pathogen was detected in 52% (164 of 310) of admissions and in 74% (43 of 58) with complete sample sets. Streptococcuspneumoniae was the most common pathogen (61 of 310, 20%; incidence: 4.1/10000). Viruses were identified in 15% (47 of 310; incidence: 3.1/10000), Mycoplasmapneumoniae were identified in 12% (36 of 310; incidence: 2.4/10000), and multiple pathogens were identified in 10% (30 of 310; incidence: 2.0/10000). Recent antimicrobial therapy was associated with increased detection of M pneumoniae (P < .001), whereas a lack of recent antimicrobial therapy was associated with increased detection of S pneumoniae (P = .02). Symptoms and outcomes were similar irrespective of microbial etiology. CONCLUSIONS: Pneumococci, M pneumoniae, and viruses are the most common pathogens associated with CAP requiring hospital admission, and they all have a similar incidence that increases with age. Symptoms do not correlate with specific agents, and outcomes are similar irrespective of pathogens identified.Icelandic Center for Research, Rannis Landspitali University Hospital Science Fund University of Iceland Research Fun

    The relation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentrations to liver histopathology, seasonality and baseline characteristics in chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection

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    Background and objectives The hydroxylation to 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) occurs in the liver and the impact of liver disease on vitamin D is unclear. This study evaluated the relationship between vitamin D concentrations and hepatic histopathology, seasonality and patient characteristics in well-characterized patients having undergone a liver biopsy. Method 25(OH)D was measured post-hoc in pre-treatment serum from 331 North European patients with chronic HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection (NORDynamIC study). Liver biopsies were scored for fibrosis and inflammation according to the Ishak protocol, and graded for steatosis. Non-invasive markers of hepatic fibrosis as well as baseline viral and host characteristics, including genetic polymorphisms rs2228570, rs7975232, and rs10877012 were also evaluated. Results Mean 25(OH)D concentration was 59 ±23 nmol/L, with 41% having values <50 nmol/L and 6% were <30 nmol/L. 25(OH)D correlated with fibrosis (r = -0.10, p ≤0.05) in univariate but not in multivariate analyses. No association was observed between 25(OH)D and hepatic inflammation, but with steatosis in HCV genotype 2 infected patients. None of the genetic polymorphisms impacted on 25(OH)D levels or fibrosis. 25(OH)D levels were significantly inversely correlated to BMI (r = -0.19, p = 0.001), and was also associated with season and non-Caucasian ethnicity. Conclusion Fibrosis was not independently associated with 25(OH)D concentration and no association was seen with hepatic inflammation, but HCV genotype 2 infected patients with moderate-to-severe steatosis had lower 25(OH)D levels compared to those without steatosis. A high percentage had potential risk of 25(OH)D deficiency, and BMI, seasonality and ethnicity were independently associated with 25(OH)D as previously reported.publishedVersio